Wednesday, October 14, 2009

update on my surgery- notes from my hospital bed

I am A-OK after surgery. apparently the cholesteatoma was very small, think like a pearl- then a bit smaller. and it didnt destroy any ossicles, so they didnt have to repair any of the hearing bones. Which is really good because none of the drs seemed very positive about me regaining hearing if they did.
This morning was funny because I never saw my doc, just the one who didn't want to operate on me. He told me not to worry but I hadn't, until I saw him. He is a queer fellow. Anyhow we were all relieved when we found out my fever had gone down because last night I was running a 37.7 Celcius temp and the nurse said that disqualifed me from surgery.
Today, when I was in surgery, the hospital called jon because they wanted him to sign a form saying they could use this other type ofbond made from blood. I guess it was really scary for him because he had 2 missed calls from people from my board of education.What else... oh, so they moved me into another room today while I was in surgery. Not sure why. But now I have one of the beds by the window instead of by the door and the hall. my curtain didnt close all the way last night so it was hard to sleep with the hall light peering in.
I look absolutely ridiculous in this bandage. hopefully u can see a picture so u can laugh. some of my hair is below the bandage, and above. I feel a bit like a tranny or Bret Michaels or Axle rose with a bandana on. Ew I just had to leave my room because the woman next to me just puked all over and it smelled pretty bad.
Oh yeah so at 3, the time they said I could walk at (even though I was out for longer than expected) I looked for my shoes only not to find them anywhere- not in the locker, the cupboard, or under the bed. Very strange Jon and I thought, so we asked the nurses, who checked the same places we did, and my old room. Still nothing. We started to think we would never see my flip flops again.But finally, from who knows where (and who knows how to ask where) the nurse returned with my shoes and slippers.
Anyhow, I am on an IV til tomorrow and the doc said as long as I dont have pain I can leave Friday. Yay! I want nothing more than to get out! Everyone stares at me here. I was served a dinner of rice soup (think Elmers glue), mystery soup (but slightly edible) and what tasted like Ensure. Oh I almost forgot the Yakult (yogurt drink). That had a funny flavor but Im not sure if my tastebuds are screwy yet. Maybe when Jon comes back with some french fries I will know.
The nurses scratched my tongue and mouth either putting in or taking out the oxygen tube so that is a little annoying. but oh well. So far the worst part was the catheter and the first IV, which the nurse put in my left hand. Such a pain.

please email me at if you want to talk to me. Id love to here from anyone. The time in here goes slowly.

I'm sure I will write more later too but for now I'm going to try to get some sleep.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'll be home for Christmas (and not just in my dreams)!

Ok, we got our tickets to come home for the holidays! We'll be home from December 19th to January 8th. We wanted to go to Hong Kong on the way, but the travel agency employee told us it would be very expensive and that we couldn't do that without coming back to Okinawa. So, we're just coming home, but that's ok. Maybe we'll get to take a trip while we're in California, at least to Big Bear or something. And I'm pretty sure we're going to Disneyland for my birthday, so that'll be fun! Anyhow, Friends and Family, mark your calendars!