Ok, so you're probably wondering why I named this site "36 Views of Okinawa-Jima"... so now I will answer, or at least attempt to answer your curiosity.
I will start by saying I will probably have many more than just 36 posts, so 36 views doesn't seem a fitting title in that sense. However, in the famous series of woodblock prints "36 Views of Mount Fuji" by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai, the artist conveys 36 views of one subject (read about it), Mount Fuji. "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" is probably the most famous Japanese woodblock, and certainly is my favorite piece.
I will attempt to ponder and reflect upon Okinawa in the same manner as Hokusai, examining this strange new land from as many angles as I can. I will post these ponderings here.
I also just finished reading a book by the title "36 Views of Mount Fuji" by Cathy Davidson. I enjoyed this book as an insight to Japan's culture, written by a westerner. She also taught English here, so I can relate to this woman on many levels.
So, there you have it, I hope this answer eases any confusion the title created!
You are going to learn and experience so much!
Your old roomy,
ah... what would Hamlet say?
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