Friday, March 27, 2009

And now for something completely different...

So, last night I did something that I thought was delicious, but made me feel very sad afterward. I tried horse sashimi. And it was good. You wouldn't think raw horse would taste good, but Jon and I would argue otherwise! But, I did feel quite sad after realizing I ate an animal I liked to ride. It's different from chicken, fish, or cows, because.... It's a freaking horse! Oh well, it was just one small bite (of delicious heaven).

Also, I don't have a hangover today, but if I did, the Japanese would call me a "second day drunk". Funny, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you haven't eaten an animal sold in pet stores. I had cuy in Peru. Guinnea pig. And it was good.