Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So much to say...

I have so much to write about.. This week has been very interesting so far, but I can't stay up and write about it now because I have to train teachers tomorrow on how to run English class with team teaching. I will say however, that I just learned that a 100 minute full body massage is only 7,000 Yen here! That makes me very happy, since I am not used to the hard mattress I now sleep on. I just checked the Hyatt HB's spa page to compare prices and there is no such thing as a one hundred minute massage there! The longest massage is 80 minutes and those range from $175-$190. Anyone care to join me for a spa day?

I will post a blog soon with this week's adventures! Some teasers- American Base food, gross mashed sweet potatoes and mean Japanese people, Japan's inefficient emergency training...

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